We are partnering with local Boston farmers markets to bring community food waste drop-off locations to more Boston communities.
Conveniently drop-off your food waste while shopping for fresh, locally grown produce. The best part is, farmers take your compost back to their farms to help grow the fruits and vegetables that you love!
Store food scraps in a closed lid container. It’s convenient to have your container close to where you produce food waste. Keep your container on your kitchen countertop, by your trash can, or in your freezer. You will bring your food scrap container to your local farmers market each week, so make sure it is easy to carry.
Some good options for kitchen food scrap containers include:
Kitchen countertop food scrap container
Sealed tupperware
Small sealed storage containers
Five-gallon paint bucket with lid (This may be the best option if you live with roommates)
Do a bit of research to find what the best option is for your household. A quick web search of “kitchen food scrap container” will show many different options.
There is a full list of what is accepted at the bottom of this website. You can print and post the list on your fridge for everyone to reference!
If you would like, you can line your food scrap container with BPI-Certified compostable bags. These are available online and in most hardware or grocery stores. Bring your food scraps with you when you go to shop at your local farmers market. Drop them in the green bin, and then shop for more fresh local fruits and vegetables.
When you return home from dropping off your food scraps. Wash your bin in the sink. Put a little bit of dish soap inside, and rinse a few times with warm water. Throw a bit of baking soda in the bottom of your bin to freshen it up!
You are making good use of food scraps by sending them back into the earth. You’re doing your part to reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills. And… helping the environment by enriching soil, giving new plants nutrients to grow! Go you!
Here is the list of food waste items you can drop off at our farmers market food waste drop-off. It is important to only include these items so farmers can make the best compost.
Fruit and vegetable scraps
Egg and egg shells
Nuts and Nutshells
Grains: rice, pasta, cereal, bread
Pastries and cookies
Coffee grounds and coffee filters
Tea bags (no staples please)
Cut or dry flowers
Fats, grease, and oils
Pet waste
Yard Waste
Dryer lint or sheets
Compostable Tableware (these items take too long to break down for small scale composting)
Hey farmers market managers! Do you want to host a Project Oscar bin at your farmers market! Complete our online form:
Source: https://www.boston.gov/departments/public-works/farmers-market-food-waste-drop-off#how-to-drop-off-food-waste